Whale Watching Tour Manuel Antonio Costa Rica
Join our whale watching tour around the Beautiful Coast of Manuel Antonio Costa Rica and get up close with the famous Humpback Whale which will leave you in a state of pure shock as you will be impressed with the size of these mammals. Our company, Sunset Sails Tours has been performing whale watching tours in Manuel Antonio for more than 16 years and our tour guides have a lot of very interesting information about this Magnificent Mammal which they will share with you during the whale watching tour.
We do recommend going on our morning tour to see the Humpback Whales because as we will mention in this post, the best time to see whales is from August – October and this is considered to be rainy season here in Costa Rica and much of the afternoon time is sometimes filled with rain. The good news is we have a morning whale watching tour from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This provides you with nice weather conditions and a great chance of viewing the Humpback Whale.

The best time and considered to be the Peak Season to see Humpback Whales around the coast of Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica is from August through the end of October. With that being said, the Humpback Whale does make an appearance through out the year but as we mentioned, the highest chance of viewing them is from August – October.
If you have an opportunity to take a coastal cruise, when whales are in the area, you really don’t want to miss the chance. Sunset Sails is ideally equipped to take advantage of that opportunity and has helped create many lasting memories of the thrilling experience of seeing these wondrous marine inhabitants.
There are just a few months of the year, when the humpback whales pass through the waters off of Manuel Antonio, Quepos, on their annual migration from Alaska to Costa Rica. If you should be fortunate enough to visit Costa Rica, during those few months of the year, you just might be in for an unexpected treat. They are not as plentiful as the ever present dolphins, and they don’t reside in these waters, so a chance to see them is something very special.

If you have never seen a whale, up close, it is truly something quite awe inspiring. “Awesome” has become one of those words, the meaning of which has been greatly diminished by over use, but this is one of those things, about which the term best captures the experience. They are such large creatures, typically measuring meters, and weighing about tons.
They seem to have a natural curiosity about humans, and don’t shy away from boats, filled with excited onlookers. Not even the noise created by the shouts of “oohs and ah’s” and applause, seem to bother them. While protective of their young calves, mother whales don’t seem threatened by the presence of people. All of those factors help create ideal conditions, in which to safely view these magnificent mammals.